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Name Position University,
Course Main Theme of Study Detail / Inquiry
Tamio Ikehashi Professor Graduate School of Information, Production and Systems, Waseda University Integrated Systems Field Micro Electro-Mechanical Systems(MEMS)
1. MEMS Sensors(accelerometer, vibrometer, gravimeter, gyro, etc) 2. Sensor system(pressure/height monitoring) 3. Actuator devices 4. FEM simulation 5. MEMS fabrication
Takeshi Ikenaga Professor Graduate School of Information, Production and Systems, Waseda University Integrated Systems Field 1. Ultra High Speed Vision System 2. 3D Human/Sports Analysis 3. 6DoF Object Tracking 4. Video Filter 5. Video Compression
Shinji Kimura Professor Graduate School of Information, Production and Systems, Waseda University Integrated Systems Field High Level System LSI Design and Verification, Design for Testability
Shoji Makino Professor Graduate School of Information, Production and Systems, Waseda University Integrated Systems Field 1. Blind Source Separation 2. Speech Enhancement 3. Speech Dereverberation 4. Microphone Array 5. Acoustic Scene Analysis 6. Acoustic Event Detection 7. Acoustic Scene Classification
Toru Tanzawa Professor Graduate School of Information, Production and Systems, Waseda University Integrated Systems Field Greening of integrated systems, especially on 1) Energy harvesting technology, 2) Semiconductor memory system, 3) Analog circuit system, 4) Power conversion system
Shintaro Yamasaki Professor Graduate School of Information, Production and Systems, Waseda University Integrated Systems Field 1. Structural optimum design of various integrated devices such as power semiconductors and optical MEMS 2. Integrative optimal design of integrated systems composed of integrated devices 3. Optimal design of other devices
Toshihiko Yoshimasu Professor Graduate School of Information, Production and Systems, Waseda University Integrated Systems Field 1. RF IC circuit design methodologies such as power amplifiers, VCOs, filters, and so on 2. RF transistor modeling for SiGe HBTs, Si CMOS, and so on
Takaaki Kakitsuka Associate Professor Graduate School of Information, Production and Systems, Waseda University Integrated Systems Field Information-communication systems employing light emitting devices
1. Semiconductor lasers and light emitting devices 2. Optical circuit design 3. Nanophotonics 4. Optical signal processing
Kiyoto Takahata Associate Professor Graduate School of Information, Production and Systems, Waseda University Integrated Systems Field Opto-electronic integration technology 1. Opto-electronic integrated circuits 2. High functional optical devices 3. Photonic microwave/millimeter-wave devices
Kazunori Serita Associate Professor Graduate School of Information, Production and Systems, Waseda University Integrated Systems Field 1. Terahertz sensing applications 2. Terahertz imaging applications 3. Terahertz sensor development using metamaterials 4. Terahertz integrated device development
Shinichi Nishizawa Lecturer Graduate School of Information, Production and Systems, Waseda University Integrated Systems Field 1. Computer-Aided Design related to VLSI physical design: cell library design, timing analysis, variation aware design, low voltage and low energy design techniques 2. Process variation and aging induced transistor performance variation evaluation and its monitor circuit

We found 1-11 of 11.

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