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Name Position University,
Course Main Theme of Study Detail / Inquiry
Hitoshi Ohya Professor Faculty of Environmental Engineering and Graduate School of Environmental Engineering, The University of Kitakyushu Department of Chemical and Environmental Engineering(Environmental Processes) Development of recycling technology and its system design
Hidenari Yasui Professor Faculty of Environmental Engineering and Graduate School of Environmental Engineering, The University of Kitakyushu Department of Chemical and Environmental Engineering(Environmental Processes) 1. Activated Sludge Population Dynamics 2. Anaerobic Digestion 3. Nutrient Removal and Recovery 4. Pretreatment of Industrial Wastewaters
Masahide Aikawa Professor Faculty of Environmental Engineering and Graduate School of Environmental Engineering, The University of Kitakyushu Department of Chemical and Environmental Engineering(Environmental Processes) Atmospheric Science(Acid Deposition (Acid Rain, Acid Fog), Air Pollution(Gaseous compounds, Particulate matter))
Mitsuharu Terashima Professor Faculty of Environmental Engineering and Graduate School of Environmental Engineering, The University of Kitakyushu Department of Chemical and Environmental Engineering(Environmental Processes) 1. Modeling and simulation of water and wastewater treatment process 2. Hydrodynamics in wastewater treatment plant
Takashi Miyawaki Associate Professor Faculty of Environmental Engineering and Graduate School of Environmental Engineering, The University of Kitakyushu Department of Chemical and Environmental Engineering(Environmental Processes) 1. Development of comprehensive analysis method for chemicals using mass spectrometry 2. Environmental pollution survey and ecological effect evaluation in Japan and overseas 3. Study on source analysis of chemicals in the environment
Kazuki Sugawara Lecturer Faculty of Environmental Engineering and Graduate School of Environmental Engineering, The University of Kitakyushu Department of Chemical and Environmental Engineering(Environmental Processes) Development of environmental remediation technology for heavy metal contaminated soil and water utilizing biological functions 2. Establishment of highly efficient carbon dioxide fixation technology using fast-growing tree species 3. Clarification of elemental dynamics in the environment related to the above processes

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