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Name Position University,
Course Main Theme of Study Detail / Inquiry
Akira Haraguchi Professor Faculty of Environmental Engineering and Graduate School of Environmental Engineering, The University of Kitakyushu Department of Life and Environment Engineering(Biological and Ecological Engineering) Eco-physiological study on Sphagnum plants
Hiroshi Morita Professor Faculty of Environmental Engineering and Graduate School of Environmental Engineering, The University of Kitakyushu Department of Life and Environment Engineering(Biological and Ecological Engineering) 1. Study on physiological function of IGUSA 2. Bio-control science of mold spores and mites 3. Study on novel co-culture Koji for Sake brewing 4. Development of submerged culture system for brewing
Tomonori Kawano Professor Faculty of Environmental Engineering and Graduate School of Environmental Engineering, The University of Kitakyushu Department of Life and Environment Engineering(Biological and Ecological Engineering) 1. Plant and microbial biology (photosynthesis, plant immunity, environmental response, cell signaling) 2. Plant-production factory-related technology (light source, monitoring, mathematical models) 3. Redox biochemistry (ROS) 4. .Environmental assessment 5. Metallic ecotoxicity 6. Bioengineering with protists 7. Fire-fighting agents and environment 8. Science history 9. Biochemistry of blood 10. Fish and the environment
Takanori Kihara Professor Faculty of Environmental Engineering and Graduate School of Environmental Engineering, The University of Kitakyushu Department of Life and Environment Engineering(Biological and Ecological Engineering) 1. Biomineralization in our body 2. Phenotypic regulation of smooth muscle cells 3. Tissue formation with stem cells
Katsunori Yanagawa Associate Professor Faculty of Environmental Engineering and Graduate School of Environmental Engineering, The University of Kitakyushu Department of Life and Environment Engineering(Biological and Ecological Engineering) Microbial distribution, community composition and biogeochemical cycles in the geobiosphere including extreme environment.
Lisa Ito Associate Professor Faculty of Environmental Engineering and Graduate School of Environmental Engineering, The University of Kitakyushu Department of Life and Environment Engineering(Biological and Ecological Engineering) 1. Environmental issues such as heavy metal pollution on coral reef islands 2. Cross-border movement of chemical substances contained in anthropogenic products (including transboundary pollution mediated by the atmosphere) and their impact on ecosystems 3. Relationship between soil formation of atoll sediments and nitrifying bacteria

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